Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Made A promise

See you at the end. Count on it.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I spent the whole of last night sketching and the whole of the afternoon photoshopping... I made something beautiful... And that was based on someone who IS beautiful...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Aeronautical Engineer. To be.

Hey guys! I made it to Singpore Polytechnic Aeronautical Engineering (S88) with an L1R4 of 8!!

Some might say that an R4 of 8 is a bit of an overkill but I kinda got my life planned out so far (for now).
BUT NOW the dilema sets in on whether or not to be a commercial pilot working for Singapore Airlines or Emirates OR working under RnD for aircraft design under Boeing or Airbus. Hmmmm.... Career choices

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Malayman Chineseman

Left parting = Malayman
Right parting = Chinaman

Like so....





Ookay... Some random stuff as usual


Ummm... Who are you? Who am I? What happened?

Oh god I reformatted my computer without backing up anything... Oh why? Why? WHY?

Well still in attempt to fix everything back to normal! Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Semi Con. And some Phlugs

Have you ever slept while riding a bicycle? Or what about ramming a parked van? Hmmm... Note to self, minimum of 8 hours of sleep before cycling for 10 hours the following day including a night cycle...

Some Phlugs

Beautiful disaster...
Flying down the streets again...
I tried to keep up but
You wore me out
And left me ate up
Now I wish you all the luck
Like a butterfly in the wind without a care....

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Nothing much today but cycling, cycling and more cycling. Total hours of cycling for the WHOLE day is 10hours. What's the distance you ask? hmmmm

Not sure.

So at 2.30pm we left off Mac Donalds at East Coast Park with friends, bound for Changi Village. And that would mean a minimum of 32km!! Breakdown:

East Coast-5km
Changi Runway-8km
Changi Beach-3km

Total= 16km x 2

Yea... But things didnt go so well. Firstly, the young ladies we brought along we're more interested in double seater bikes compared to the single seat bikes which I recommended them to use. And due to that, the drama of Pulau Ubin with my family repeated. Hills became mountains and a yard became a mile.

To make things worse, it started raining half way there. Thank you monsoon season! So there I was stuck under shelter with 2 girls and a load of men waiting for the rain to stop, guessing the CCA of one of the girls. No, Amanda's head does NOT look like a bowling ball Abby... There's no such link!

Soon we reached the village an all the guys, me, Kesi, Saw, Pow, Sid and Tay all carried our bikes up the stairs showing off our machoness while the girls steered right and went up a ramp.


After a refreshing meal at CV, we cycled back with Derek Tay and I on the double seater. Then on, we became a one ton truck with an engine of a Ferrari.... We sped on and on and made the other tandem bike look like an underpowered bus XD

Well thats all for now. I'll write about the nightcycling that occured 3-4hours after the day cycling with no rest or additional food. EPIC

Monday, January 18, 2010

Around The World

I was chatting with a friend when he said "I Love travelling around the world"

Me: Where have you been?

Him: Ummm Malaysia?

Me: Thats across the bridge.

Thats not across the world at all. It should be, instead, I WOULD Love TO travel around the world.
With that said I'm gonna post about the places I've been to one of these days....

Till then, watch this vid

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Night Cycling Part Duex

New addiction: CYCLING

I cant seem to get enough of it...
So when I can, where I can, I'll cycle my ass off anytime.
And I haven't cycle my ass off yet

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Results and a dash of PING

I got my results for my Os. IT SUCKS. NEARLY ALL A2!!!!! SHIT. A2!! A2!! A2!!!
Thats like 5 A2s 2 B3s and ! C5 (which is without a doubt combine humans since I did the wrong Literature paper)

OK to hell with that...


The past few hours, my internet has been SLOW TO THE CORE!!! Keep gettin pings of 250+!!! THAT SUCKS. RAGGLEFAGGLE!!!

Well now I guess I can only play single player games... So now playing:
-Forza Motorsport 3
-Mass Effect

Oh and anyone wants to join me for daily/weekly night cycling please call me up at 81612624.

I cycle out after the sunsets going for 2-4hour cycles. Mostly alone.... : (

Sunday, January 10, 2010

10/01/10 Night Cycling

Akid, Saw, Lucas, Pow, Pillai

Cycling route:
1. East Coast Park
2. Bedok
3. Tampines
4. Pasir Ris
5. Changi
6. East Coast Park

Total Distance: 41.48km


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snuffs The Flame

"You wanna put out an oil fire sir, you set off a bigger explosion right next to it. Sucks out the oxygen. Snuffs the flame"- Captain Price

Same applies to anger. Vent it out on something. Gonna play COD4 as soon as I finish this, L4D wont work cause you got to kill things that actually have an emotion like for example, another human player. Bloody massacre tonight mate

Wednesday, January 6, 2010





shit man... Why am I filled with so much negative emotions right now?

Metallica - Wasting My Hate

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Ok folks... this game... is.. AMAZING
That or it got me totally addicted to it. I sleep at 5am and wake up at whenever my mom wakes me up. ITS AWESOME
You all should give it a try. Oh and if you wanna play this game just for the lesbian sex scene, you're a douche bag and should not be allowed near women. Beat it mofo
Back to M E

Saturday, January 2, 2010



Went Pulau Ubin today with my family without any preparations at all... So no handphone (sorry Saw) and was not wearing proper attire:

(Me and my cousins. Kita semua boleh bercakap dalam bahasa Melayu)

As you can see, what idiot rides a bike in jeans and a jacket in hot sunny 38deg. C temperature?


What else to do then to ride bikes there? So we all rode bikes around with my dad and uncle riding the 3 seater tandem bikes. It aint easy to do so.

Physics lesson cut short: When riding, you tend to sway slowly from left 2 right as you need more power to paddle due to the extra weight. THIS EXTRA WEIGHT of riders behind you have inertia that causes their weight to contribute as a force swaying side to side. As such, not only is cycling difficult, maintaining control is tough too. Worst, we were going up and down slopes.... This is the result:

(Mom and dad.... Are very tired...)

Thats about it. Now tutoring someone on how to spend money and why I like long sleeves...

Friday, January 1, 2010



Its 2010. Twenty Ten. Its a whole new year. And... Its boring. Nothing fun at all. Or nothing new for that matter of fact...

I'm bored shitless here. Anyone had a great NYE celebration?
Last night, Kesigun's family invited me to their new years eve dinner at California Pizza. I had dinner prior to that (my mom already cooked, it'll be rude to abandon) so I just had dessert. And that would be Vanilla Fudge Brownie which taste like cookies and cream.

His parents were nice peeps! Later I went back to his place for the countdown but ironically, we were more interested in how well Pioneer Plasma TV reproduce black levels which was purely AMAZING!! A little COD4 gaming and Kes and I chatted with Darryl Sim. It was like phone sex but not phone sex. Completely stupid exchanging of crap over the FB chat.

Darryl, you're sick with that lol-train thinggy...

Well now, this Tuesday. Movies at my place.