Thursday, January 21, 2010


Nothing much today but cycling, cycling and more cycling. Total hours of cycling for the WHOLE day is 10hours. What's the distance you ask? hmmmm

Not sure.

So at 2.30pm we left off Mac Donalds at East Coast Park with friends, bound for Changi Village. And that would mean a minimum of 32km!! Breakdown:

East Coast-5km
Changi Runway-8km
Changi Beach-3km

Total= 16km x 2

Yea... But things didnt go so well. Firstly, the young ladies we brought along we're more interested in double seater bikes compared to the single seat bikes which I recommended them to use. And due to that, the drama of Pulau Ubin with my family repeated. Hills became mountains and a yard became a mile.

To make things worse, it started raining half way there. Thank you monsoon season! So there I was stuck under shelter with 2 girls and a load of men waiting for the rain to stop, guessing the CCA of one of the girls. No, Amanda's head does NOT look like a bowling ball Abby... There's no such link!

Soon we reached the village an all the guys, me, Kesi, Saw, Pow, Sid and Tay all carried our bikes up the stairs showing off our machoness while the girls steered right and went up a ramp.


After a refreshing meal at CV, we cycled back with Derek Tay and I on the double seater. Then on, we became a one ton truck with an engine of a Ferrari.... We sped on and on and made the other tandem bike look like an underpowered bus XD

Well thats all for now. I'll write about the nightcycling that occured 3-4hours after the day cycling with no rest or additional food. EPIC

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