Tuesday, December 29, 2009

That feeling...

Nothing much today... Went to town to shop and eat. My dad and I went Best Denki (as usual) while the women went somewhere else. So after 2 whole hours, my dad and I exited BD to go to the car to meet up with my mom and sisters. In that 2 hours, the women covered the whole of Taka and were around Tangs area. Big diff. eh? Not only that but my mom and sis bought loads of stuff *expression on dad's face :O*

Thats it nothing much. Now I'm partly awake, bored with nothing else to do... Wanted to talk to someone but... : (

You know that feeling?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Bucket Load

I went to the dentist today HOPING to remove my braces but.... I didn't. My dentist said that she needs to make sure the teeth dont move no more so I gotta wait 3 more weeks for removal. This time, IS FOR SURE XD

Anyways after that I wanted to meet up with the 421 guys of SJI 09! They went to watch Avatar at first but I wasnt there (dental) so I met them afterwards at som LAN shop to play COD4. So I travelled all the way from Eunos to Dhoby Ghaut just to meet em....

It was total FUNFARE there. I cant describe it but basically, we just shoot, shoot again, some more and when everyone is dead, bring out the candy.... Which belonged to Kesigun since he topped all matches. While we were there, we met some other SJI GUYS of 2009! WOO HOO!!!


Pass the salutations and a little more killing, we went off for early dinner.
Oh wait I forgot. This happened at the LAN shop:

Cashier: How long do you want to play?

Me: What?

Cashier: How long do you want to play?

Me: What?

Cashier: How long... Do you... Want to play?

Me: Excuse me?

Cashier: How. Long. Do. You. Want. To. Play?




Later for dinner, we went to LJS at Plaza Sing. to eat and when we got there, it was nearly full. For some reason (most likely due to rage thought by violent shooting games) we got mad because: 2 PEOPLE USING A TABLE FOR 6!!! Not just one couple, but like 4-5 of em!!!


So we started making a big.. ahem.. deal bout it ( wasnt me but I think my voice was a bit too loud when I raised the point) So we stood there for a while and FINALLY a couple moved and I said THANKS (in a somewhat pissed tone) Well thats what you get when you dont use your brains and count seats before using the whole damn table...

Nom nom nom and done... Thats it for today!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

FURNITURE and Singapore Idol (bleh)

Ok guys I was busy the WHOLE day making furniture for my family with the help of my dad for HEAVY DUTY LIFTING.

Now all the goods were from Ikea, the place we ALL get our furniture from! (Hail Sweden!)
First up is my elder sister's wardrobe. It used to be a 3 piece set but due to additional shopping, the clothes multiplied soaring to great numbers. To tame the erupting wardrobe, the fourth piece was added.

That took me about an hour and a half to build. Next up was her bed. It is a double single bed which isnt really the size of two single beds but 1 and a half the size of it. Way to go with double single bed crack nut. English, PHAIL.

Ok the bed took us sometime to build due to the fact that I didnt read the manual properly. Wasn't totally my fault cause it was upside down and refused to turn right side up... Anyways half way building it, my friend Johnathan Saw came (Saw for short). Saw helped us out a lot and with his help, my dad took a rest and just gave us instructions on what to do.

Its Saw's birthday by the way so.... Happy birthday Saw!

As I saying, we continued to fix the bed. And when it was done, I had to CHECK for QUALITY CONTROL. What better way is there than to sleep on it (for a while, like for ummm 30seconds?)
So with that all done, we left her room.... IN A MESS (hey we BUILT your furniture, what more do you expect?)

Next in line, my new shelf that's called THE EXPEDIT. Its 149cm by 149cm which it kinda tall making the other shelfs look like midgets and tards. Its HUMONGOUS. 13kg load PER shelf and it has about 16 slots so max capacity: 208kg. 208KG!!! Wanna play up on that thing anyone?

As the shelf nears completion, Saw suddenly exclaimed:


In front of my dad. Awkward silence. You don't wanna know what went through my mind. (wtfwtfwtfwtfwtf)

So now my room is officially done. I'm happy but still have some touch up to do. I need some posters up there and a new table for my amplifier. Its sitting on a white drawer which just doesnt fit the style of my room.


As you all know, Sezairi (or whatnot) won.

Now honestly, I DON'T CARE who won or what but....


We have a few arguement going around about Malays winning all the time (well done us). Word came that the Malay community is sending messages back and fourth to vote for Sezairi cause HE IS MALAY. THAT IS NOT FAIR AT ALL.

I mean, we resort to this to get someone to win? Then there was Ken who obviously dislike Sezairi and showing it on live TV.


Well I think Ken is pissed that Malays just keep winning Singapore Idol and he ASSUMED that due to the vast number of Mats and Minahs out there who have nothing better to invest their money in than to vote for a fellow Malay cause he is Malay.

Ken you maybe wrong too. Never judge. Same goes to you all foul mouthing about Malays voting for Malays. We are like family. A hell of a big one.

So I was asked by my relative "If a car crashed occured and the injured were a Malay, Chinese and an Indian, who would you help?"

Answer: All of em.

"Choose only one"

Answer: Help the fireman who is saving the 3 guys XD

Its hard to be fair out here. Its hard to say but racial issues are still around. I can't stay in SJI thinking that they never exist but in the REAL Singapore it does.

Basically Singapore Idols sucks. I mean, people are voting biased-ly. It aint fair.
Solution: GUITAR HERO. The vocals are read and interpreted by computers which are Just and Fair. So next time we should have Guitar Hero Idolz! OMG great idea! I think I'll host it at my place!!

Stop the hate people. Start loving. Peace out.

PS: I AM NOT SIDING ANYONE. muhdakid@hotmail.com if you wanna argue or debate. I'm all for it.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


WAS at Marcus's place just now attending his Christmas gathering. It was great BUT:
1) Guitar Hero drumset didn't work well (cymbals broke)
2) Not many guys made it there
3) I was a tad too early XD
Not having a fully functioning GH drumset was a big bummer... Instead we just played guitar and vocals (courtesy of yours truly). Now I gotta buy cymbals for the drumset which I have no idea how much they cost. I'm gonna call up New Era to see what can be done.

FOOD was AWESOME! Super buffet greatness with loads of chicken, curry, satay (chicken), cakes, pies and A HELL LOT MORE! All you can eat isn't really my cup of tea but for some reason, I was extra hungry today! Marcus's brother, Marvin, was unusually nice today, the first I've seen. I played his PS3 Slim in HIS ROOM.

About Marvin's room, it has a nice layout and design. Red walls with strips of black and white were done really well! His LCD TV was on the floor LYING against the wall with no stand whatsoever! Really nice room!
Late into the party, Marcus and I decided to take time off the Xbox so we went in his room. Marcus is pretty damn good at the keyboard which he has been playing for a while or so. He can really play many songs and then, all of a sudden: BINGO


What ANOTHER surprise! From me being "I HATE the F**KIN PIANO" and "I WANT TO BLOW THE LIVING $HIT OUTTA THAT PIANO" or " PIANO IS CRAP" to "I am sooo interested in playing the piano!"
So now I want to try to learn one song on the piano and that would be SUGAR WE'RE GOING DOWN by Fall Out Boy
Wish me Luck!!
Oh and about time I got the pictures I promised uploaded. My birthday present from my nenek, aunty and uncles. THANKS A THOUSAND:

Friday, December 25, 2009


I'm a gonna type this out as fast as I can by 3am.

Its 2.55am now. I just had a litre of chocolate milk and maggie curry. Awake, bored and nothing much to do. So i'm sitting here staring at my MSN friends list before going to Facebook to check on some stuff and so I wondered if a friend of mine DID take off to another country. I think she did, by the way it seems thanks to an FB post left by her sis XD.

Still figuring out on that one.

Anyways. Its Boxing Day. The day where you trash or "re-box" the crap you don't wanna keep after Christmas.

With utter laziness to take a pic of the stuff I got for my birthday, I guess I'll just leave it for TOMORROW.

Oh wait I mean later in the morning...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas. Its Christmas. NOW

Merry Christmas everyone!

Santa came to town last night to deliver all your presents to all you good boys and girls out there. However, for all you naughty girls and horny guys, well NO MORE COAL FOR YOU! MEET:


Great guy who is lots of fun to play with! (In whatever sense you would like to interprete it)

Oh and it has also come to my attention that MANY people celebrate Christmas without knowing what Christmas is, how it came by and etc... So let me cut it short here:

Christmas is the day Jesus was born.
The Catholic and Christians celebrate this day as a sign to show their joy to the birth of their son of God. And so what better way to spread joy than to give PRESENTS? Yes thats HOW the presents system came around.

All info courtesy of Keith Fernendez.


Yesterday I went to Somerset 313 to do a gift exchange for my birthday. Not only was it extremely crowded there, there were loads of MATS and MINAHS there. Not loads but.... SHIT LOADS. I have nothing against them but due to their reputable attitude and character WHICH 98% OF THE TIME ARE SIMILAR (just in case one of you peeps wanna say "hey, not all people are the same" so ummm in your face). My, and some other members of the public, sense of unease heighthen to some exraordinare level! One guy was eating at Long Johns Silver, who apparently talked really loud, spewing vulgarities like no one gives a CRAP.

My God, PLEASE CHANGE Mr.MaTS! (no one likes a douche)

I wanted to show you guys what I got from my aunt but.... I GOT A WEDDING TO ATTEND.

So I'll be back tonight with the updates.

Merry X'mas guys!


Well, just taking some time off to apologize to you guys for the Pillow Hitting game on Facebook that sure irritated some or MOST of you. Sorry guys

Add ons

As of now, I finished installing a new addition to my room: the window blinds (not Windows Blinds).

Apparently, without the blinds, my room is a little too bright thanks to the new coat of paint that I did up last week with the help of my friends Izyan and Nadhirah as shown below:

Ok maybe the pic is a bit dark. Its the camera... The handphone camera... Its really quite bright!!

So, with the blinds, it became this:
And that, was WITH the room lights on. Its seriously dark JUST THE WAY I LIKE IT
Now I gotta do some cable management cause its a mess right now
Coming up next: New Furniture Arrival 27th December

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

BACK in 10 mins

Alright, I said that I'll be back. So here I am! (sorry I can't help myself)

So first up i'll just like to thank Zafir the Awesim for helping me out and stuff. Not to mention the inspiration he gave me into making a blog.

With that aside, let me introduce to you PUMKINHOGTHINGY:

As you all would notice He is the mascot for this little blogsite. Yes, he is a cross breed between an A10 Warthog and a pumpkin. How did it come by? You know the saying "Kids at the back of the car cause accidents, Accidents in the back of the car cause kids"? Well can't explain anyhow further. So here is a portrait of PUMKINHOGTHINGY and its artist (well the artist's hand but good enough):

Its All New

Yes folks, the Kid blogs...


No idea really... Guess its just all gonna be plain and simple:
I WRITE, YOU READ. I must offer a word of CAUTION however...

YOU MAY NOT LIKE WHAT YOU SEE. Expect controversial arguments. Crude humour. Blood and Gore. Inhuman violence. Extreme stupidity. THE STUFF THAT YOU CAN NEVER PUT ON FACEBOOK

What else is there to it right?

AS SUCH, the Catalytic Pumpkin, land of the wild, free and full of nuts is officially open! So let me fill up your ears, boggle your mind and stir up your feelings.

Now, in the words of Arnold Sch... Arnold Sczh... Arnold Szc... Oh nevermind, the Terminator, "I'll be back".