Saturday, March 6, 2010


Not me... No... Yes. I'm talking to you you ponitianks, pochong or what ever shit... Really, get the fuck away from me or i'll just fuck you up. How'd ya like to feel some burning sensation from hell? Don't think so.

Ok the reason why I'm saying this is that, yesterday night (friday night to saturday morning) Zac, Keith, Crazyman and I went out for a night cycling. And it was a real bad one. As we went out, I first happened to 'see' something (but hey I didn't really give a damn about it so I was like "whatever") so we left for East Coast Park. While we were cycling, some of our torch lights for some reason began to fail. Mine started giving way for no reason ALTHOUGH I HAD NEW BATTS IN THEM. To make matters worse, some of the paths had no lights at all. Also, some of them WENT OUT as we approached them! Creepy shit.

Soon Zac had bad feelings and started to feel unwell. Shi Yang and Keith were also apparently disturbed by something... The whole time I couldn't feel anything. That's when I stared into the woods and said "WHOEVER IT IS, FUCK OFF".

Soon later, Keith had an accident on his bike. It was bad enough to destroy the tire so we had to carry the bike back as the breaks were in an engage position. Keith's shoes too fell apart. And we took hours to WALK back. From then on they said it was still following us... All the way back to my place.

Fortunately my mom said that thing didn't come in. So thats good. Through all the stuff that happened, its just funny to me that, I don't really feel all that afraid or scared. I don't know why. I mean seriously like zilch of any emotions except to console my friends who felt disturbed...

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