Sunday, March 7, 2010

He's Right. We're Right.

Something Zafir and I discussed some time ago. Here is what I said:

"I can tell you that you don't have to be in a relationship to be in or give love. A relationship is more of like a commitment. If you're not ready to commit, don't. Cause you're gonna screw it all up. Just like I did before. You gotta stop and think it through. Cause we, or I, didn't. Good to learn form mistakes. I guess every part of this makes you a tad wiser each time. Yeaaaah..... :)"

"So much for strategic planning... Sometimes I wish I never had great ambitions or planned my life for the future... Cause it gives me no room for error. Its too restrictive. It could and WOULD affect others too. I mean just because of my 'long term plans' so called, others get restricted by it. I don't want you to get restricted by it. Like what the last post said, no commitments. Just enjoy each other together. Fullstop.

Yes. We're still young. And its foolish to think of something years away. Now THAT's what you call rushing."

And here is Zafir from This is what he has to say:

"Zafir here,

And I would like to share my views on commitment, at our age (like teenagers). Like, commitments to each other kind of commitment.

According to, a reliable dictionary website, the definition of commitment is a pledge, or a promise, an obligation. So it sounds like when you commit yourself to someone, you have to be there for that person no matter what. Seems like your freedom is gone, and you're under a leash. Or trapped in a cage.
I hear lots of couples our age, complaining and breaking up because they can't commit themselves to each other. Well OBVIOUSLY at our age you can't commit yourself to anyone yet. Then why talk about all these commitment nonsense. Some of us can't even commit ourselves to studies, *ahem*, let alone their boy/girlfriends.
I'm not against dating and getting attached at our age, (I myself had a few, and still interested in being in one). But isn't knowing that both of you like each other enough? Like, (from guys point of view) meet up with her, spend time with her, and look forward to your next meeting with her. Not like, be with her 24/7. Wouldn't that be boring? Give her space too, for her own life, for her friends.

Commitment is like you're owning each other's life, you can control them, you expect them to be there for you no matter what. I don't think we can do that at our age right now."
I've got other thoughts about being there 24/7 kind of thing. I mean I believe that you SHOULD have the ability to be there 24/7. It shows that you are serious and not just PLAYING AROUND (like many jerks and douchebags such as this one guy named Azzz) But if your girl/ guy doesn't like it or need some space, really back off. They just cannot handle it. Its like you might be ready to live with your love but they might not. Sometimes, it takes more time for them to settle down. Some of us were just born to adapt to situations.

Think it through. However, certain things are not meant to be thought out. I believe the moment you have to decide or choose, it shows that you have doubts. Its like "do I want to be with *insert name here*?" This is a dangerous question. You cannot treat this kind of question like a mathe question. The answer must surface by itself.

What do you guys think? Leave a comment y'all!

*edit : Ok not really 24/7 but more like prepared to spend as much time with her as possible. I have that luxury of time so I can do it without impacting my daily life. Thats me. Adaptive Akid.

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