Monday, March 1, 2010

Hypocritical... Or just stressed?

A couple of hours ago, I was in absolute panic. My mom and dad would know why. I think Izyan sure knows a little of it too (but she understands it a hell lot). Guys, I can't hide the truth:


My dad discussed with me on moving overseas to accomplish my life long dream of being a pilot. Singapore isn't the right place for someone special like me to pursue in a career path.

So much for strategic planning... Sometimes I wish I never had great ambitions or planned my life for the future... Cause it gives me no room for error. Its too restrictive. It could and WOULD affect others too. I mean just because of my 'long term plans' so called, others get restricted by it. I don't want you to get restricted by it. Like what the last post said, no commitments. Just enjoy each other together. Fullstop.

Yes. We're still young. And its foolish to think of something years away. Now THAT's what you call rushing. AND IT HAS TO STOP. Akid, don't be sooo naive....

However, with great ambitions, the will to achieve is put to the test. Am I a quitter? NO

*update* had a chat with Zafir sharing our problems and some other cool convos... Feel a lot better now. Thanks bro

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